Research Locations
USF Sarasota-Manatee campus Office of Research
Established in 2017, the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus Office of Research is positioned to support faculty in research throughout the life cycle of the grant. USF Sarasota-Manatee campus's Office of Research provides oversight for all proposal preparation and grant support, including compliance with federal regulations, state statutes, and university policies, and financial administration of all funded grants. USF Sarasota-Manatee campus employs full-time grants support to aid faculty working on grant related activities. All grant accounts are strictly separate and auditable. All financial records are available for sponsor review at any time. The PIs receive training in research compliance. USF has state contracts with various vendors to obtain best possible pricing and the waiver of taxes and shipping and handling charges whenever possible.
Florida Center for PAInT
The Florida Center for Partnerships for Arts-Integrated Teaching (PAInT) at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus brings together an international network of educators and arts partners to engage in and share research, advocacy, professional development, curriculum innovations, and resource development to meaningfully integrate the arts into teaching and learning to support student success.
Based at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus at 8350 N. Tamiami Trail, the center partners with several cultural organizations, including the Sarasota Opera, Sarasota Ballet, Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium, the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, Venice Symphony, South Florida Museum and the Circus Arts Conservatory.
USF M3 Center
The M3 Center for Hospitality Technology and Innovation was established at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus in October of 2013. The M3 Center enables rigorous academic research of significance to the global hospitality industry, while serving as a critical reporting outlet and resource for educational tools and innovation, conferences, training and forums for improving the connections between academia, industry and the society at large.
Research on technological advancements and their implications for the hospitality and tourism industry is conducted, encompassing a wide range of topics.
Mote Marine Laboratory
The USF Biology program collaborates with the world-renowned Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, allowing students to be immersed in ongoing research and community engagement in the marine sciences. Our students also have the opportunity to collaborate one-on-one with Mote scientists through an internship program.
The aquarium and research center have been home to USF’s biology and chemistry research labs since 2014. Research scientists from Mote teach various courses in the USF Biology program. These experiences prepare our students to be competitive graduate programs and professional schools, from biochemistry to veterinary medicine.
USF Social Sciences Research Lab
The Social Sciences Research lab supports student research using various research methods that align with the expertise of the social sciences faculty: qualitative in-depth interviewing (private interview space) and interview transcription, qualitative data analysis and content analysis, quantitative telephone and internet survey research and public opinion polling, and quantitative data analysis.
Soon, Department of Social Sciences (DSS) students will be able to utilize the lab for Honors thesis and directed study research. The lab space also enables DSS faculty to incorporate hands-on research experiences into their courses (e.g., research methods and applied statistics) and allow for space in which faculty can train students to conduct interviews and observe mock interviews.
USF Sarasota-Manatee campus Bloomberg Lab
The David Kotok and Cumberland Advisors Bloomberg Lab hosts 10 fixed and 2 mobile Bloomberg Terminals that allow students to access Bloomberg Professional Services. This is a powerful resource providing real-time data from markets around the world, in addition to news, research, and powerful analytics used by top decision-makers in finance, business, and government.
All USF Sarasota-Manatee campus students and students from other Cross College Alliance institutions are welcome to use the Bloomberg Lab for class work, for research, or just to learn about the Bloomberg system.
USF Biology Research Lab A
Biology Research Lab A consists of a 600 sq. ft. wet lab with fume hood, dedicated and generator backed-up electrical outlets, and ample bench space for equipment and use by the PI and student collaborators. The lab also houses water baths, Zeiss stereo- and compound microscopes with camera, micro-injection apparatus, PCR thermocycler, real-time QPCR machine, gel-documentation station, benchtop and micro-centrifuges, 96-well plate reader, refrigerator, and a -20oC freezer. A contained insectary had two growth chambers. An adjacent space houses an ice machine, -80oC freezer, and autoclave.
Two computers are currently being used for word processing, data analyses, web searches, sequence processing, and for operating software-driven equipment (plate reader and QPCR). The Biology program and School of Natural Sciences & Math provides all office supplies, telephones, fax and copy machines. Three administrative assistants help with faculty responsibilities and full-time computer technicians manage the computer assets/networks.
USF Biology Research Lab B
Biology Research Lab B is dedicated to research on the neurobiology of cnidarians, and the identification of proteins expressed in the tentacles of the Portuguese Man-of-War, physalia, that presumably control the discharge of the stinging cells. Research assistants carry out studies on the ultrastructure of synaptic contacts between the stinging cells and the neurons and characterization of an antibody which will be used as a molecular tool to localize the glutamate receptor in the tentacles of physalia.
The lab is equipped with a tissue culture room, a Zeiss fluorescent microscope and an ultramicrotome to prepare ultrathin sections. The lab also collaborates with the USF Tampa campus for the use of electron microscopes.
USF Sarasota-Manatee Information Commons
Located on the second floor of the main rotunda (B203), the services help students make the most of their academic experience and ensure they have all the resources needed to be successful. Staff at the Information Commons Academic Resource Desk assist with information needs such as study spaces, equipment loan, computer help, student printing. Library Services offers reference and research assistance to all students and faculty to navigate the robust network of research tools made available through USF Libraries.
Digital Commons @ University of South Florida
Digital Commons @ University of South Florida shares materials from faculty, student, community, and archival sources as part of a consolidated institutional repository. The collections include historical sources and scholarship from many cultures and time periods, and the content or its descriptions may be graphic or reflect biases.
Office of Student Engagement in Research and Innovation (SERI)
igh-impact practices (HIPs) are active learning practices that encourage deep learning by promoting student engagement, as measured by the National Survey on Student Engagement (NSSE).
The SERI office has two primary foci; (1) Connecting students with high-impact practices; and (2) supporting faculty wishing to expand the use of HIPs in their courses.
USF Research Computing - Tampa campus
Research Computing provides support for all of the hardware and software listed on this site plus any new software one may require. We also provide various levels of consulting work to assist researchers in selecting appropriate hardware and software tools to meet their demands.
USF Faculty Success
Located in the USF Provost’s office, the Faculty Success team is led by Dr. Pritish Mukherjee serving as executive coordinator and ably supported by Dr. Brett Kemker as assistant coordinator. The initiative is a strategic holistic approach to Faculty Success designed to foster personal and professional development with point-in-time resources for early-career, mid-career, and senior faculty with an emphasis on excellence across all three campuses.
USF Office of Corporate Partnerships
OCP is a “front door” to the university and can connect faculty with community and industry leaders for educational programs and sponsored research.
USF World
USF World is committed to linking faculty, students, and staff with resources available across USF to promote and support international scholarship and global engagement.