Research Resources
ACLS [Starting Your ACLS Application]
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) - ACLS offers specific advice on writing fellowship proposals for their organization. Written by former ACLS program officer and humanities scholar Christina Gillis, she provides important information about proposal focus and the audience for whom you are writing in her article, "Writing Proposals for ACLS Competitions"
- Competitions and Deadlines
- Funding Priorities
- Historical Documents
- Strategies for ACLS Proposals
- Strategic Priorities
- Annual Reports
- Writing Proposals for ACLS Fellowship Competitions (PDF)
NEH [Starting Your NEH Application]
NSF [Starting Your NSF Application]
NIH [Starting Your NIH Application]
- NIH Email Updates
- NIH Explore Funding
- NIH Document Library
- NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
- NIH Grant Application Deadlines
- Grant Application Basics
- NIH Applying Electronically - Resource
- NIH Grant Application Kits
- NIH Grant Application Forms
- NIH Modular Grants Page
See who is doing research similar to yours in an effort to locate potential collaborators, identify best study sections for your discipline and topic or read funded research abstracts.
OMB Grants.gov Forms
- Grants.gov Registration
- Grants.gov Roles
- Grants.gov Grant Writers Blog
- Workspace Overview
- Step-by-Step
- FAQs
Budget Resources
- Proposal Budget Template
- USF Budget Template
- Budget Justification
- NIMH Cost Estimation Spreadsheet
- NAS Forecasting Costs of Biomedical Data Preservation
Sample Proposals
- Guggenheim
- NIH Research Plan
- NIH R01
- NSF Chemistry
- NSF Cyber SEES
- NSF HSD Project
- NSF OTIC Facilities
- ACLS Proposal
- Alfred Sloan Foundation
- DOE CSGF Fellowship
Additional Resources
- Broader Impacts Review Document for NSF Proposals – Guiding Principles to assist NSF program managers, proposal reviewers, and review panels, in evaluating the Broader Impacts component of NSF proposals. 2020 Advancing Research Impact on Society (ARIS)
- Broader Impacts Wizard. The updated Broader Impacts Wizard provides support for investigators developing a BI statement via an easy five-step process to produce an outline of important points to satisfy the NSF BI criterion.
- Broadening Perspectives on Broadening Participation in STEM. Resources to support staff leaders or trainers working on broadening participation. You can use them to plan and lead reflective discussions about current practices, with an eye to developing goals, strategies, and priorities. 2020 Advancing Research Impact on Society (ARIS)
- Mentoring the next generation: A roadmap for using undergraduate research to broaden participation and impact in STEM. A resource to provide a roadmap to the best practices for undergraduate research experiences that are known to promote STEM in order to help scientists formulate more effective broader impacts. (Pierszalowski, Buser 2021) Advancing Research Impact on Society (ARIS)
- Mentoring Handbook (PDF) The Mentor Handbook offers tips and tools to foster further discussion about the value and essential components of mentor training within the research environment. (Davis, 2020)
- Planning and Evaluating the Societal Impacts of Climate Change Research Projects Guidebooks (PDF). A guidebook for natural and physical scientists looking to make a difference. (Owen, Meadow 2020) Advancing Research Impact on Society (ARIS)
- Communicating Science Effectively (eBook PDF) - National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2017. Communicating Science Effectively: A Research Agenda. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Qualtrics - Qualtrics survey service is now available for use by all USF faculty, staff, and students at https://usf.qualtrics.com. You will need to login to https://usf.qualtrics.com with your USF NetID credentials. You will be prompted for existing account information. Enter the email associated with your original Qualtrics account. This is a onetime process. All future logins will identify your NetID credentials with your migrated account. For support, contact USF IT as you would for all other business systems.
- Resources for Early Career Investigators. Communicating Science Effectively (eBook PDF) National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2017. Communicating Science Effectively: A Research Agenda. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
- Tips for Contacting Program Officers
Qualitative Data Sharing (QDS) Toolkit
The Qualitative Data Sharing (QDS) Toolkit was created to assist researchers in ethically preparing and sharing qualitative data. The Toolkit includes a planning guide that provides guidance and key considerations for research project planning, data collecting and management, and sharing qualitative data. There is also information on the new Qualitative De-identification Support (QuaDS) Software, which improves the quality and length of time necessary to de-identify data.
Decision Tree to Assist with Self-Regulation of CRISPR Basic Research
This article includes a decision tree to help determine whether the CRIPSR-Cas system should be used or if there are options that will make better use of limited funding resources.