REACH is a $8.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to strengthen arts educational programming in the nation’s schools. The grant funds a project that will establish a national, replicable model to strengthen arts learning in U.S. schools, harnessing the effectiveness of arts integration as a catalyst for increasing student engagement and achievement across multiple content areas. The project will be funded over five years.
The grant will serve 4,000 students per year, 150 teacher leaders per year, and 100 teaching artists, arts educators, principals and superintendents per year.
REACH is a collaborative, evidence-based model, designed to provide sustained and professional development, and to develop and disseminate arts-based materials and programming, through, a continuum of coordinated supports services and activities. Improving Teachers, Teacher Leaders, Arts Educators Principals and Superintendent Professional Arts Knowledge and Skills in Multidisciplinary Arts and Their Ability to Teach or Support the Arts and the Integration of Arts into the Teaching of Other Core Subject Areas through Comprehensive, Sustained, and Intensive Professional Development.
- Developing and Implementing and Evaluation Among REACH’s Consortium Partners, Resulting in a Robust and Active Nationally Focused Online Connected Professional Arts Learning Community.
- Improving 4,000 Teachers, Teacher Leaders, Arts Educators Principals and Superintendent Professional Arts Knowledge and Skills in Arts Learning and Their Ability to Teach or Support the Arts and the Integration of Arts into the Teaching of Other Core Subject Areas through Comprehensive, Sustained, and Intensive Professional Development.
- Increasing Student Abilities in the Arts and Academic Achievement Education through the REACH Model.