Mission, Belief Statement, and Definition of Arts Integration
Mission, Belief Statement, and Definition of Arts Integration
The Florida Center for Partnerships in Arts-Integrated Teaching is commonly referred to as PAInT. It is a state-wide resource in arts-integrated pedagogy. The Center for PAInT is an essential part of the Collaborative Strategic Planning for the Arts in Florida. PAInT Programs are aligned to the university’s Strategic Plan:
- Community Engagement
- Teaching and Learning, and
- Campus Life
The Center for PAInT builds state-wide partnerships, conducts basic and applied research on policies and practices related to arts integration pedagogy and collaborates with interested arts organizations and Florida school districts in the development of arts-integrated curricula for use in classrooms, as part of evidence-based arts‐integrated teaching at all levels of education.
The Center for PAInT fosters a rich culture of campus engagement, and it builds partnerships across State as direct service to students and teachers. Hence, PAInT programs empower teachers to explore and implement arts integration in Florida classrooms to increase student engagement and improve student learning outcomes.
Belief Statement
The arts are important in education and in life. Therefore, we believe that the Center for PAInT is unique because the programs span across all disciplines in Pre-K through Higher Education. By practicing arts integration, teachers can ensure that students are learning in ways that meet their own unique cultural, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.
Definition of Arts Integration
Arts integration is a collectionof knowledge, programs, experiences, and aspirations
that bring meaning to ideas and content through the arts and human interactions.
-Dr. Denise Davis-Cotton, PAInT Program Director