Center for PAInT

Initiatives & Events

The Center for PAInT provides opportunities to affect positive change by building an arts-integrated infrastructure in Florida schools. Through Education Outreach Programs, PAInT offers a variety of resources that are designed to integrate multiple forms of the arts curricula, using the following goals:

  1. Collaborate with interested arts organizations and Florida school districts in the development of frameworks for arts integrated courses in schools and professional development activities, using multiple delivery methods for arts integrated teaching in different content areas.
  2. Collaborate with arts, civic, school, and community organizations to provide Florida schools with a sustainable arts-integrated teaching framework.
  3. Expand visibility and disseminate best practice arts integration models/programs.

All educational leaders, educational practitioners, and staff in the Center for PAInT partnerships follow the Florida State Standards. PAInT:

  1. Seeks agreements that provide technical assistance and support to the Florida Department of Education, school districts, private schools, charter schools, and educator preparation programs in the implementation of evidence-based arts integrated instruction, assessment, programs, and professional development.
  2. Provides continued technical assistance and support of arts-integration for ongoing use.
  3. Conducts a gap analysis and plan a structure for school districts, schools, and education preparation programs to implement evidence-based arts integration programs.

equal access to arts integration

The Center for PAInT provides resources that lead to equal access to arts integration pedagogy in Florida’s Pre-K through 20 educational institutions by:

  1. Offering arts-integrated teaching support to Florida schools and school districts with disproportionately low rates of arts programs.
  2. Replicating successful arts integration programs in Florida’s Title I schools, and
  3. Removing barriers to the implementation of arts integration in all Florida Schools.  

The Center for PAInT provides systemic and rigorous content that leverage critical and creative thinking for Florida’s students and teachers by promoting, encouraging, and supporting the arts as an essential part of education and lifelong learning.