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USF researcher’s disaster preparedness app wins funding from Sarasota foundation
The Community Foundation of Sarasota County has awarded the University of South Florida Foundation a $7,500 grant to support a USF researcher Lindsay Peterson develop a disaster preparedness app to help older Floridians and their caregivers better prepare for hurricanes and other potential disasters.
July 15, 2024Research

Establishment of the William W. & Judith A. Gaunt Professor marks a milestone for USF Sarasota-Manatee and USF School of Information
The position on the Sarasota-Manatee campus will be conferred to James E. Andrews, a tenured full professor in the School of Information. The endowed professorship will establish the school’s presence at USF Sarasota-Manatee.
July 9, 2024Campus News, Research

New paid internship program will give Brewing Arts students hands-on industry experience
In partnership with the Tampa Bay Brewers Alliance, the USF Brewing Arts program is launching a paid internship program designed for students to learn core skills in the art of brewing and understand business operations.

New virology team demonstrates the global impact of research at USF Health
The Global Virus Network is relocating its international headquarters to the University of South Florida. With its leader, Dr. Robert Gallo, co-founder of HIV, comes his team of virologists whose expertise embody the importance of collaboration in medicine.
July 2, 2024Research

USF remains a top performer among state universities, leading to benefits for students and faculty
The University of South Florida continues to be one of the highest performing institutions in the state, according to new data from the Florida Board of Governors that compares public universities in categories such as graduation rates, affordability and salaries after earning a degree.
July 1, 2024Campus News

Pioneering HIV researcher to begin new journey at USF
As Dr. Robert Gallo and his virology team join USF Health, learn more about the co-founder of HIV’s journey and how a family tragedy inspired him to pursue medicine.
July 1, 2024Research

New Information Security Governance, Risk and Compliance certificate program sees overwhelming response
Within weeks since its announcement, USF’s Office of Corporate Training and Professional Education’s Information Security Governance, Risk, and Compliance certificate program received nearly 4,200 applications. With this enthusiastic response, it’s clear there is a high demand for cybersecurity training.
June 28, 2024Campus News

USF to receive $1 million gift from longtime faculty member and his wife
The University of South Florida announced a $1 million estate gift that will provide scholarships to students in the College of Arts and Sciences. The gift comes from Steven Tauber, a longtime faculty member and current vice provost for faculty administration, and his wife, Meghan.
June 26, 2024Campus News

Mindfulness and managing emotions lead to better sleep
A University of South Florida-led study helps explain why focusing on the present moment can improve sleep, reduce stress and improve overall health.
June 24, 2024Research

Record number of summer campers flock to USF’s campuses
USF is seeing unprecedented growth in its youth summer camp offerings, with significant increases in the number of camps and double the number of participants. While it may appear to be just summer fun, many camps offer a peek at career options and serve as the first point of contact at USF for future Bulls.
June 20, 2024Campus News

USF projects selected for new research program bring the potential to solve critical challenges
Four interdisciplinary teams of USF researchers have each been awarded up to $1 million in seed funding through the Collaborative Research Excellence and Translational Efforts awards – a new initiative designed to catalyze new research and enhance USF’s impact.
June 20, 2024Research

Nearly two dozen graduate programs at USF considered among the best in America
According to new rankings released by U.S. News & World Report, USF is home to nearly two dozen graduate programs considered to be the best in America.
June 18, 2024Campus News