The University of South Florida celebrates the distinctive cultures, heritages and ethnicities that comprise its diverse community. To mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 18, the university will host a luncheon and lecture by noted social activist Angela Davis, among other activities.
The events, sponsored by the USF Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA), will be held virtually. The MLK Commemorative Virtual Luncheon is set for today at noon. Visit the MLK event website for information. The pre-recorded event will include guest speakers, videos, testimonials and a scholarship presentation. View it anytime on the OMA website.
The lecture, presented by the University Lecture Series, is set for Thursday, Jan. 21, at 7 p.m. Born and raised in Birmingham, Ala., by parents who were active community organizers, Davis has made it her mission to share her life story and challenge audiences to join the struggle for racial, economic and gender justice. Visit the lecture series link for information and to attend the discussion.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day was signed into law as a federal holiday by President Ronald Reagan in 1983 and first observed three years later. It was observed as the holiday in all states in 2000. USF will be closed on Monday, Jan. 18, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an instrumental figure in the civil rights movement of the late 1950s and 1960s. His conviction and courage to fight for the rights of African Americans and others through peaceful protests and sit-ins inspired many others to follow a similar path in attempting to secure their rights, including women, the LBGTQ community and individuals with disabilities,” said Hawa Allarakhia, a graduate assistant at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus. “Most importantly, Dr. King’s legacy inspires African American youth of today to continue the journey to ensure fairness in education, health care and employment.”
Allarakhia recommends that students, faculty, staff and others view the PBS documentary “Free at Last” to learn more about King and his legacy.
Virtual Reverse Career Fair coming to USF Sarasota-Manatee campus
The Reverse Career Fair, a popular annual job fair that debuted three years ago at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus, is returning in a virtual format on March 25 from 2 to 5 p.m. Students must register by Friday, Feb. 5, to participate and meet many of the region’s top employers.
Send a resume to Toni Ripo in Career Services, aripo@usf.edu, to attend
The Reverse Career Fair is a twist on traditional career fairs where job seekers visit employers’ tables to chat and drop off resumes. Instead, employers visit the job seekers to ask about their skills.
The USF Sarasota-Manatee campus held its first Reverse Career Fair in November 2018, and was an immediate success. Of the 26 students and alums who attended, 82 percent were offered at least one full-time job or internship. The National Association of Colleges and Employers now recognizes reverse career fairs as a best practice.
For more information, visit the Reverse Career Fair website, https://www.sarasotamanatee.usf.edu/reverse.
Virtual Biology Open House set for Jan. 23
Prospective students can learn about USF’s biology program at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus Virtual Biology Open House, Saturday, Jan. 23, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Learn about enrollment requirements and employment and educational opportunities that biology degrees afford students. Additionally, students, staff and faculty will be on hand to answer questions, and a virtual tour will be offered afterward.
Students can also learn about:
- Biology program details, including faculty specialties
- USF’s teaching labs at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota
- Student research opportunities
Click here to register and for more information.
Register for classes by today
An important reminder to students: The deadline to drop and add classes is today. Tuition payments are due today, as well. Visit https://www.usf.edu/registrar to register and learn more.
Support the Support-A-Bull Food Pantry
The Support-A-Bull Food Pantry is a convenient and vital resource for students at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus who face food insecurities. Sponsored by the Student Government Association and All Faiths Food Bank, the pantry was created early last year amid the COVID-19 onset as many students were losing their jobs.
With continued employment challenges caused by the pandemic, the pantry – and USF students – could benefit from increased donations. Donations are accepted during any business day at the Office of Student Services.
Food contributions must be non-perishable and free of dents, cannot be expired or opened and must be in original packaging. High demand items include: Canned tuna, cereal, canned/cupped fruit, soup, rice, beans, pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned vegetables, baby food and personal hygiene items.
Monetary donations can be made by visiting this link.
For more about the Support-A-Bull Food Pantry, or to request a food donation, visit the pantry’s website.
To learn more about the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus, visit www.sarasotamanatee.usf.edu.