Campus Life

Support-a-Bull Food Pantry

Pantry Logo

Support-A-Bull Pantry is a USF Sarasota-Manatee campus food pantry supported by All Faiths Food Bank. The pantry is available to students at the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus to address food insecurity by providing supplemental food and toiletry items to students in need. The confidential pantry was created to alleviate food hardship and hunger among all enrolled USF students by providing supplemental food, nutrition education and resources to any student in need -- whatever their situation -- in order to ensure their academic success at USF.

For pantry needs at the other campuses, please refer to these links:
Tampa campus Feed-A-Bull Food Pantry
St. Petersburg campus Support-A-Bull Market

How to request items

Students can either drop in for food and toiletry items during open hours or request groceries online confidentially.


Please complete the online form below, and include requested items that we may have available from the pantry. The updated list of food and toiletry items can be found here. You will be contacted by email within 24-48 business hours of submission of this form confirming your order has been fulfilled and to arrange for pick up.

Drop-In Location

The pantry is located in the main building in SMC C144. Enter the building through the main FCCI rotunda and walk into the Student Success Lounge. Take the hallway to the left of the television monitor towards the Honors College Lounge. The pantry is on the left in the hallway.

Hours of Operation

The pantry's hours of operation are aligned with the building's hours as listed below, with exception of university holidays when it is also closed.

Mondays to Fridays:  7 a.m. - 10 p.m. 
Saturdays:  8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sundays:  Closed

Picking up your items

If you choose to submit an order, all items are pre-packaged in discrete packaging. Once your request has been fulfilled, you will be contacted to pick up your items on campus, Monday - Friday; 8 am - 5 pm. If you need your items picked up outside of these hours, please email Brittany Aburto so additional arrangements may be made.

How to make a donation

High demand needed items can be found here. Donations are accepted during any business day to the Main Rotunda desk. Food contributions must be non-perishable and free of dents, cannot be expired or opened, and must be in original packaging/labeling. Monetary donations are accepted by clicking on our giving link below:


Additional resources

All Faith's Food Bank Food Finder

Counseling and Wellness resources


For any questions, concerns, or inquiries, please contact Brittany Aburto.