


We inspire the USF Community to Achieve Wellness and Success through Recreation Programs and Services.


1. Student Development and Success 

2. Respect 

3. Wellness

4. Excellence and Innovation 

5. Intentional Collaboration 

Learn more about the Recreation and Wellness Values

Assumption of Risk

All individuals who participate in Recreation & Wellness activities will be doing so at their own risk. These risks could include, but are not limited to, muscle cramps, nausea, fainting, abnormal blood pressure, chest discomfort, and even death. The University of South Florida and its Board of Trustees are not responsible for any injury that may occur to individuals participating in any Recreation & Wellness activity.

Participation in any Recreation & Wellness activity is on a purely voluntary basis. Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to participation in all Recreation & Wellness activities.