The University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee welcomes the return this week of the Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER).
Organized by USFSM and the Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI), the annual conference on teaching methods and research draws dozens of scholars from around the world. The conference is set to run Tuesday through Friday at the USFSM campus, 8350 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota.
More than 200 academic papers were submitted to organizers and, of those, 130 were accepted for presentation at the conference.

Among the presenters, Benjamin Kutsyuruba, PhD, associate professor at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, is scheduled to deliver the keynote address, “The Lifecycle of Trust in Educational Leadership: An Ecological Perspective,” on Wednesday at the campus’ Selby Auditorium.
Also Wednesday, Darlene DeMarie, PhD, an associate professor in the College of Education at USF, will present a concurrent session entitled, “Serendipity in a Life: A Narrative Illustrating the Impact of a Fulbright Scholar Award on a Faculty Member’s Personal and Professional Life.”
DeMarie is the USF Fulbright faculty advisor and president of the Mid-Florida Chapter of the Fulbright Association.
Several USFSM faculty members from the College of Hospitality & Tourism Leadership, serve on ANAHEI’s executive board, including Cihan Cobanoglu, PhD, McKibbon endowed chair and director of the M3 Center for Hospitality Technology and Innovation; Faizan Ali, PhD, an assistant professor of hospitality management; and instructor Keith Barron, JD.
For more about GLOCER, visit
Get spectacular at USFSM this summer
USF Sarasota-Manatee students can avoid the summertime blues with a series of special events on and off campus organized by Student Engagement and Student Government.
USFSM’s Summer Spectacular kicks off Wednesday with a visit to Josh Ghansiam’s farm.

Turns out, Josh is more than a biology student. He’s farmer, too, and he loves to give tours of his east Manatee County spread. Josh has lots of critters, from chickens and goats to sheep, cows and horses. So bring your cowboy hat and reach out to Josh personally to schedule a visit or sign up at OrgSync. Transportation is limited.
Other Summer Spectacular events include Aladdin Movie Night (May 30), Cosmic Bowling (June 8), Ice Skating (June 28), a trip to Volcano Bay (July 12) and a trip to a Tampa Bay Rays home game (July 22). Visit OrgSync for the complete lineup of activities and to register.
In addition, stop by the Student Commons every Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. for free ice cream.
Coding workshop set for high school girls
High school girls have a chance to work toward careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) with a free computer coding workshop this summer.
USF Sarasota-Manatee is teaming up with State College of Florida to present the special two-month workshop called the Girls Who Code Club.
The club will meet every Monday from 9 a.m. to noon at State College of Florida.
USFSM’s Sunita Lodwig, PhD, and SCF’s Katy Wallis, PhD, will present the classes, which are open to high school girls from Sarasota and Manatee counties.
For more information or to register for the workshop, contact Lodwig or Wallis at and
4th Annual 5K Memorial Hike this Saturday
USF Sarasota-Manatee students, staff and faculty are invited to downtown Sarasota this Memorial Day weekend to support a good cause while getting fit.
SRQ-Vets will hold its 4th Annual 5K Memorial Hike on Saturday to honor veterans killed in war. Registration is 9 a.m. at JD Hamel Park, 199 Bayfront Dr., in Sarasota. The hike will begin at 10 a.m.
SRQ-Vets is a local organization that supports veterans in Sarasota County at no cost to the veterans. USFSM’s Office of Veterans and Military Success has teamed up with SRQ-Vets to bring additional support to the local veteran community.
Due to this support, SRQ-Vets has defrayed the entry fees for USFSM students, staff and faculty, who are urged to wear Bulls apparel to show their support. Check in at the USFSM table.
For more information, or to make a donation to SRQ-Vets, visit,