The first is a Master’s Degree Information Session set for Saturday, June 22, at 10 a.m., at the USFSM campus, 8350 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota.
Undergraduates and active professionals can learn about USFSM’s many graduate degrees, including MBAs, and ask about tuition rates, scholarships and financial aid, as well as our convenient weekend, night and online classes to meet the needs of today’s busy professionals.
The hour-and-a-half-long session will introduce prospective students to faculty and Admissions staff in an informal, engaging atmosphere. Prospective students will receive a waiver of their application fee by attending, a $30 savings.
“Attending the Master’s Degree Information Session is a wonderful way for prospects and applicants to learn what life is like as graduate students at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee,” Admissions counselor Cassidy Garbutt said. “Attendees will have the opportunity to ask about the application process and meet faculty members to learn more about their specific programs of interest. These are valuable conversations for prospective students as they begin to research programs to help move forward in their careers.”
For more about USFSM graduate programs, visit usfsm.edu/admissions/index.aspx.
- The second key event is set for July 1, when freshman enrollment opens for the fall 2020 session. High school seniors can get a jump on the college application process by applying early, before space fills up.
Why apply to USFSM? Here are the top 5 reasons:
- Individualized attention
- Student engagement
- Affordability
- Amazing location
- Part of the University of South Florida System
- In addition, many employers offer tuition reimbursement to complete a bachelor’s degree or graduate studies. Check with your employer to see if tuition reimbursement is available for you, or contact a USFSM Admissions expert at (941) 359-4331 or admissions@usf.edu.
- Meanwhile, the deadline for fall 2019 transfer and graduate applications has been extended. There’s still time to transfer to USFSM or enroll in graduate classes this fall. Contact Admissions today at admissions@usf.edu or (941) 359-4331 to learn more.
Learn to recruit students at Employer Institute on Wednesday
Employers can learn the many ways the University of South Florida can help them meet their workforce needs at the Employer Institute, set for Wednesday, June 5, at the Sam and Martha Gibbons Alumni Center at USF in Tampa, 11810 USF Alumni Drive.
The $10 per guest fee covers parking, institute participation, lunch and refreshments.
Learn the most effective ways to recruit future employees and interns.
Visit the 2019 Employer Institute page and log-in to your Handshake account to register for the event. If you have questions about the Employer Institute or need to make changes to your registration, please contact us at RecruitUSF@usf.edu.
Sarasota Military Officers Assn. makes $5,000 donation
USF Sarasota-Manatee thanks the Sarasota Military Officers Association for its generous contribution to USFSM student veterans.

At its dinner last month at the Bird Key Yacht Club, the association announced donations of $48,000 to several organizations, including USFSM, to assist veterans as well as graduating seniors at local high schools.
USFSM’s Office of Military and Veterans Success Center received a contribution of $5,000 to establish a scholarship to provide supplemental support to the G.I. Bill.
“This is a generous contribution from a remarkable organization that does so much in our local community to help veterans,” said Carlos Moreira, USFSM’s veteran service specialist. “We are grateful to this fine organization. These funds will go toward defraying the educational costs for those who have served in our military and sacrificed for their country.”
The scholarship will help veterans with tuition, books and other supplies, as well as any other college-related expenses. Recipients must be in good academic standing and may be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate courses.
To learn more about the Sarasota Military Officers Association, a chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, visit www.sarasotamoaa.com.
For more about student-veteran programs at USFSM, visit usfsm.edu/campus-life/campus-resources/veterans-success/index.aspx.
Scholarly journal publishes article by Javidi, Sheybani

Kudos to USFSM College of Business professors Giti Javidi, PhD, and Ehsan Sheybani, PhD, for their recently published article in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
The article, “Transforming Cybersecurity Education through Consulting,” appears in the

publication’s current issue on pages 157-168.
The professors write that employers seeking cybersecurity expertise would benefit from student-led consulting. Students, in turn, would benefit from the practical experience gleaned by assisting businesses.
“The idea in this paper is that in order to create deep thinkers and skilled cyber specialist, equipped with the required soft skills, colleges can accommodate students to run their own consulting opportunities in the local community,” they wrote.
Classroom management course receives seal of approval

E-Learning Services congratulates Marie Byrd, EdD, on the recent completion of a successful Internal Quality Matters Course Review for her online course Classroom Management for a Diverse School and Society.
The Internal Quality Matters Course Review is a rigorous process designed to certify quality and alignment through the Quality Matters rubric of best practices for online learning.
Instructors who successfully complete the Internal Quality Matters Review can include the USFSM Quality logo on the front page of their online course description and will be acknowledged for their achievements in the Florida Virtual Campus course directory.
To learn more about Quality Matters, contact E-Learning Services.