Campus Magazine

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University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Critically speaking

Reconstructing the world language classroom.


Planning board with sticky notes.

A win-win for students and businesses

Student consultant course provides experiential learning opportunity while helping local businesses.


Shadow with mask over face.

Behind the mask

Politics, Risk Perception And Social Interaction Influence Covid-19 Safety Practices

Faculty, Research

Veteran Students showing USF horns hand gesture.

Being veteran-inclusive

A podcast born through the pandemic helps connect educators with experts in their field of research.

Community, Research

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Career services

Partnering With Local Companies To Help Students Succeed In Their Career Journey


Lindsay Persohn, host of podcast, in front on microphone.

Classroom caffeine

A podcast born through the pandemic helps connect educators with experts in their field of research.

Faculty, Research

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

The future of interdisciplinary research

USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus interdisciplinary research grants support convergent research.


Jessica Grosholz Headshot

Networking One USF

Research Administration Faculty Fellowship (RAFF) program connects researchers across campuses.

Faculty, Research

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Onward and upward

Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport CEO On How Even A Pandemic Didn’t Slow Record Growth And Plans For Bright Future

Community, Research

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Pandemic ripple effect

Researchers Create A Framework For Understanding The Impact Of External Crises On The B2b Sales Industry

Faculty, Research

People crossing street at timesquare

Racism in advertising

Kelly Cowart's Real-World Assignments Help Prepare The Next Generation Of Culturally Aware Marketers


Denise Davis-Cotton

Reaching new heights

Denise Davis-Cotton, director of the Florida Center for Partnerships for Arts-Integrated Teaching (PAInT), has been named principal investigator of an $8.5 million grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education.


About Sarasota-Manatee Campus Magazine

Momentum is published by USF Research and Innovation and the Office of University Communications and Marketing on the Sarasota-Manatee campus. The University of South Florida, a member of the Association of American Universities, is a high-impact research university with campuses in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Sarasota-Manatee.