Campus Magazine
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A win-win for students and businesses
Student consultant course provides experiential learning opportunity while helping local businesses.
Being veteran-inclusive
A podcast born through the pandemic helps connect educators with experts in their field of research.
Classroom caffeine
A podcast born through the pandemic helps connect educators with experts in their field of research.
The future of interdisciplinary research
USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus interdisciplinary research grants support convergent research.
Networking One USF
Research Administration Faculty Fellowship (RAFF) program connects researchers across campuses.
Onward and upward
Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport CEO On How Even A Pandemic Didn’t Slow Record Growth And Plans For Bright Future
Pandemic ripple effect
Researchers Create A Framework For Understanding The Impact Of External Crises On The B2b Sales Industry
Racism in advertising
Kelly Cowart's Real-World Assignments Help Prepare The Next Generation Of Culturally Aware Marketers
Reaching new heights
Denise Davis-Cotton, director of the Florida Center for Partnerships for Arts-Integrated Teaching (PAInT), has been named principal investigator of an $8.5 million grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education.