Students and faculty from USF Sarasota-Manatee traveled beyond the bay to explore corners of the Caribbean, Europe and beyond. Each trip took a different shape, depending on course material and destination.
Some students spent 10 days in the Dominican Republic, where they lived with local families and volunteered at mobile medical clinics. Other students voyaged to Greece and Serbia to learn more about the local cuisine. All gained course credit while expanding their horizons.
- USF Quebec Corporate Mentor Program (Spring Break 2024)
Quebec City, Canada
Students: Edwin Martinez-Baxcajay and Fummy Nguyen - USF Honors Bahamas (Summer 2024)
The Bahamas
Student: Saleha Salek - USF Honors Dominican Republic (Summer 2024)
Dominican Republic
Student: Bethsagesna Thalon - USF London Cross-Cultural Communication (Summer 2024)
London, England
Sudents: Craig Kerneklian, Danielle McCourt and Hannah Gotwalt - USF in Florence Science (Summer 2024)
Florence, Italy
Student: Lindsay Page - USF Greece and Serbia Food and Culture (Summer 2024)
Greece and Serbia
Student: Vanesa Viera - USF Salamanca - Spanish Language and Culture (Summer 2024) Salamanca, Spain
Students: Kalia Early and Niky Roblero MoralesUSF Virtual Global Exchange (VGE)
- College of Menominee Nation in Keshena, Wisconsin
- Universidad Marista de Mérida in Mérida, Mexico
- Universidad del Norte Colombia in Barranquilla, Colombia
- São Paulo State University in São Paulo, Brazil