Please check out the Staff Advisory Council committees, below. Perhaps you'd like to join one! Click here to access the form to join.
Job Stability
Chair: Toni Ripo
Vice Chair: VACANT
Purpose: To listen to concerns from staff related to stability and to communicate information to the Staff Advisory Council leadership to inform other committee activities and guide Council strategies when addressing issues with University Administration and to support staff through education on how to be their own best advocate.

Chair: Darren Gambrell
Vice Chairs: VACANT
Purpose: To create a supportive, positive work environment through unifying programming.

Training & Development
Interim Chair: Victoria Ramirez
Vice-Chair: Emily Pacula
Purpose: To support, equip, and develop our staff with the right tools and knowledge to succeed in their roles at USF Sarasota Manatee.

Communication, Transparency, & Outreach
Chair: Karen Boston
Vice Chair: Jennifer VanDeWoestyne
Purpose: To showcase, celebrate, and promote our community, identity, achievements, transparency, and morale.

Rules & Administration (Ad Hoc)
Chair: Rebecca Gibbons
Vice-Chair: Aaron Reecher
Purpose: The purpose of the Rules & Administration Committee is two-fold: to direct the annual and special elections processes; and to draft, develop processes, and ensure compliance with the SAC charter and bylaws.