Faculty & Staff

Resource Management and Development

Resource Management & Development (RMD) at the Sarasota-Manatee campus is housed within the Division of Student Success. This area provides high quality, cost-effective financial, travel, and human resources support services to departments in Student Success on the Sarasota-Manatee campus.

The contacts for RMD services at the Sarasota-Manatee campus are:

Corey Curran
Fiscal & Business Analyst, Student Center

Sarah Rowe
Office Manager, Student Center

Dr. Teeranai Ovathanasin
Assistant Regional Vice Chancellor

Who is eligible as an a&s funded department?

Sarasota-Manatee Departments must meet the following criteria:

  • Fall under the Division of Student Success across OneUSF, or may be recognized as an A&S funded department on another USF campus.
  • Follow standards created by Student Government in accordance with Florida Statute 1009.24.
  • Serve USF students as an event-focused department/office rather than service-oriented (i.e. allotted E&G funds for operations and service). 
  • Do not have other funding sources, such as foundation accounts or student organizations with a similar purpose or goal.
  • Follow the current A&S fee rules, regulations, and language in Student Government Statutes, including the Chapter 804 A&S Fee Proviso Language.
    • All A&S funds shall be spent for the direct benefit of the Student Body.
    • A&S funded events or services shall be open to all students.


  1. Budgets are available in your department’s Resource Management Box in the Department A&S Spending folder. Refer to this spreadsheet to confirm enough budget remains before moving forward with your purchase.

  2. Submit the A&S Fee Purchase Request Form here

    1. For Pcard purchases, the form needs to be submitted at least 1 week prior to when the purchase is needed.

    2. For Contracts and PO’s, this form needs to be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the purchase needed.

  3. The form will then be reviewed by Dr. Teeranai Ovathanasin before being reviewed by Resource Management and Development.

  4. Once reviewed and found within the guidelines, the approved form will be sent to the Student Success individual for processing and purchasing.

  5. Once purchase(s) are made, itemized receipts must be uploaded into your department's A&S Spending Box. Please update your budget spreadsheet with your final purchase amount and detailed description of your transaction. 

Student Government has the right to audit the departments who were allocated their funds, as per Chapter 803.12 Audits. If a department has been found to spend A&S fees outside of their guidelines, SGA has the right to freeze those funds.

A Box folder for departments with useful information can be found HERE. You can find the department guidelines, forms, templates, and examples for your review and use. 


Student Success departments have the option to apply for annual budgets during the Annual Budget Process. Departments will be notified of the budget Annual Budget Process in the fall term of each academic year.


Transfers from one account to another (i.e. programming funds to payroll or programming funds to travel), under $5,000:

  • To transfer money between accounts, an email request needs to be sent to Corey Curran (coreycurran@usf.edu) for approval.

Transfers from one account to another (i.e. programming funds to payroll or programming funds to travel), $5,000 and above:

  • To transfer money between accounts, an email with the transfer form (found in Box link) needs to be sent to Corey Curran.
  • From there, it will be sent to the Campus Council for a decision and approval.
    • Denied requests may be overturned by a supermajority vote of the Student Government Senate.


Any Student Success department who would like to request A&S fees must fill out the Unrestricted Reserve Request (found in Box). Unrestricted Reserve Requests allows for an entity to request for additional A&S money for purposes which cannot be accommodated by their current fiscal year’s budget.

  • A budget narrative and any payroll documents (if requesting payroll) are required to be sent with the form in addition to any other supporting documents you believe will need to reviewed.
  • As with the annual budget process, the paperwork should be discussed with Teeranai before officially submitting to Corey Curran. 
  • The form (with supporting documents) needs to be emailed to Corey Curran for review, and once completed, it will be forwarded to the Campus Council.
  • Campus Council will review it and make a decision whether to approve or deny.
    • Denied requests may be overturned by a supermajority vote of the Student Government Senate.
  • This process has no time limit, but the students will work on them on a rolling basis.

Event Attendance guidelines

  • Tracking attendance at all A&S funded events and programs is required.
  • Event organizers are responsible for taking attendance for all students, faculty, and staff who participate in the event.
  • Event attendees are required to check in to the event using BullsConnect. Failing to do so may result in being turned away from participating in the event.
  • For Sarasota-Manatee campus A&S funded events serving food, faculty and staff are restricted from participating during the first hour of the event to prioritize student participation.
    • After the first hour of the event, food for faculty and staff is subject to availability.
    • Please note, some traditional campus events may be exempt from this requirement, such as the fall Friendsgiving and spring Carnival.
  • For Sarasota-Manatee campus A&S funded events providing free giveaways, students are prioritized first. Items are subject to availability for faculty and staff, and may be made available at the discretion of the event organizer or office.
    • Note: Faculty and/or staff utilizing the university Employee Tuition Program (ETP) benefits are still classified as employees, not students. Any questions pertaining to the staff/student status of an individual are verified by USF Human Resources (HR).


  • Advertising your event or initiative to students is required when using A&S fees.
  • The Office of Student Engagement does not approve departmental flyers. Instead, a copy of your flyer is required to be sent to and approved by Teeranai before posting at least seven (7) days in advance.
  • Campus departments can request for marketing support from the Office of Student Engagement (OSE), which can include the Sarasota-Manatee campus announcements via the student listserv.
  • All promotional item requests and logo usage must follow the USF brand and logo usage guidelines, and University Communications & Marketing (UCM) approval(s) must be made prior to submitting for purchase.