Dr. James Unnever
Title: Professor
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Phone: 941-359-4200
Email: unnever@usf.edu
Office: C247
James D. Unnever (PhD, Duke University, 1980) is a Professor of Criminology at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus.
Dr. Vershawn Young interviewed Dr. Unnever for New Books in African American Studies in reference to his book A Theory of African American Offending. A link to this interview is now available at the http://newbooksinafroamstudies.com/ web address.
Ousey, G. C. and Unnever, J. D. (2012), Racial–Ethnic Threat, Out-Group Intolerance, and Support For Punishing Criminals: A Cross-National Study. Criminology, 50: 565–603. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-9125.2012.00275.x
Unnever, James D. (2012) “The Power of One?: Reflections on Agnew’s Integrative Theory of Crime” Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology. Volume 4, August.
Unnever, James D. and Shaun L. Gabbidon 2011. A Theory of African American Offending. Routledge
Alex R. Piquero, Francis T. Cullen, James D. Unnever, Nicole L. Piquero, and Jill Gordon (2010). "Never Too Late: Public Optimism about Juvenile Rehabilitation." Punishment and Society 12:187-207.